
Hello from Ethiopia

Hello from Ethiopia. I hope everyone has had the opportunity to keep up with our journey over here through daily devotionals, blogs, facebook, emails and videos.

Blogs: www.loveloud.blogspot.com (David)
www.HendersonPartyofEight.blogspot.com (Mendy)

We should be wrapping up adoption details by early next week and then the waiting begins for our Embassy date. In the meantime, we have definite plans to advance the Kingdom here in Ethiopia through the following adventures:

1. Spending a few days with Trent and Carmen Post - UCity's Missionaries in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2. Visiting several families suffering with HIV/AIDS - these are families that different families at UCity support monthly. Their monthly support of $45 supplies food, shelter, clothing, education for the kids and medical supplies. If you are interested in supporting a family please email me back.
3. A visit to the island where our two kids were born. The island is in the middle of lake Zway. The people on the island are and unreached people group, which means that they have no gospel message in their language. They are called the Zay people. Should be a fun adventure and I look forward to the plans God has for us to reach them with the message of Jesus Christ... cool stuff!
4. Visiting with an orphan care initiative in the city of Zway.
5. Visit Langano Farms and get an update on the progress of work that began with Mike and Amy Rodgers.
6. Hopefully a visit to Awassa and the well drilling projects that many at UCity have sponsored.
7. Hopefully a visit to Durami missionary training center. This center is sending Ethiopian missionaries to completely closed countries such as Iran.

What I need from you?
I need the kingdom to advance in the UCity area through our church.

1. Invite people like crazy. Now is the time to step up to the plate and invite people into this amazing community.
2. Give financially to make this Summer like no other Summer before at UCity. We finished June pretty strong so I am hopeful. Please give online when you are out on vacation and be faithful to the mission that God has called us all to.
3. Grow in compassion for each other. Please read the daily devotionals and think about someone who you just need some time together with no other agenda other than being with each other.

I love what I am hearing about UCity and I am SO GRATEFUL to be on this journey together with you. Thanks for your prayers and support.

Love Loud...Risk Often...Hope Always,

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